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The Initiate (HS Teen Stories)

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The Initiate (HS Teen Stories)

Unread postby colorblindchrome » Tue Jan 01, 2019 7:55 am

Author's Note: Decided to make a return to story-making after a little break. The Initiate is going to be a little collection of stories showcasing protagonists inspired by real-world people. As such, all characters displayed in these stories are fictional, with pictures of their real world counterparts serving as visualization aid. You could think of these stories being set in an alternate, more fucked up dimension. Feel free to drop comments and express where you'd like the story to go. If you want to commission a story, PM me and I'll consider making a story for your girl. This is the prologue to the first story and sets up what's to come, so there's no action just yet. Next chapter is where the dark fantasy begins. Enjoy.

Chapter 0: The Initiate

Sophia was walking through the hallways of her school, an hour after school closed. She was on her way to the basketball coach's office, after receiving an alarming email from him. Coach Mike and Sophia had a good relationship, and she knew that he was looking out for her when it came to continuing her basketball career. When Sophia entered the coach's office, the coach gestured for her to sit down.

"Alright, Sophia. I'm assuming you've read my email?" Coach Mike asked. Sophia only nodded shyly, she didn't know why they seemed like complete strangers to each other now. The room was full of awkward tension.

"Mm. Look, Sophia, I'm going to be straight with you. You've got drive, and you've definitely got passion for the sport. You're the type to fall and keep on getting up. It's impressive, really. You've injured your leg many, many times in the court, and you keep on coming back. You've definitely shown your drive for the sport," Coach Mike said, gesturing towards Sophia's knee, which had a brace around it from a recent injury.

"But," Coach Mike continued, "You've been off the court far too many times. You haven't really had your time to shine. Now a few colleagues of mine do agree that you've got spirit, but a lot of them aren't quite convinced yet."

"I understand, coach," Sophia added somberly, "So what are my options?"

"Well, I did talk to the coach at that one college you wanted to go to. He says that you've got a bright future on his team. He told me that he was rather impressed with you, and how you're willing to do anything for the sport. I'll give you his number and email. You go on ahead and give him a call when you get back home," Coach Mike said.

"Are you serious? Thank you so much, coach," Sophia said, taking the business card Coach Mike handed to her.

"Mhm. Before you leave, I gotta tell you, I've known Coach Hammond for a rather long time. He's an interesting man... with interesting taste. You'll know what I mean when he calls you. I'm just warning you, don't feel pressured into doing anything. No matter how good his offer can be, you've got to protect your dignity and your reputation, understand, Ms. Le?" Coach Mike warned.

"Of course, coach," Sophia said with nervousness, sensing the tone in his voice.

Coach Mike nodded and dismissed her.

That night, after finishing her homework and getting ready to call it quits for winter break, she decided to give Coach Hammond a call.

"Hello?" Coach Hammond answered.

"Hi, Coach Hammond. I'm Sophia Le, a student from--"

"Ah! Ms. Le, good to hear from you. I see Coach Mike wasted no time in getting my info to you. Good, good. I understand you are a senior now, age 18?"

"Yep, that would be correct," Sophia replied.

"Okay. I remember looking at your record. That's a lot of injuries, Sophia. Lots of time off the court too. What made you come back?" Coach Hammond asked.

"Basketball is my passion, coach. Coming into the school year, I wasn't sure what I wanted to pursue as an athletic extracurricular, but this year, I feel like basketball is the sport I want to continue through college," Sophia said with pride.

"Mhm. That's good to hear. So you're willing to do anything for this sport, am I right?" Coach Hammond asked.

"Yes, coach," Sophia said.

"Alright. Well, I do have an offer for you. You see, I gave your info and records to the varsity basketball team that I coach here."

"Varsity," Sophia thought to herself, and a grin spread on her face.

"I'm willing to give you a full-ride scholarship here for basketball and give you an instant place on the varsity basketball team here," Coach Hammond began.

"Varsity! I can get into varsity during my first year!" Sophia thought to herself, she could barely contain her excitement.

"..provided that you service the guys on the team for your first year on the team as a freshman," Coach Hammond finished.

"Service?" Sophia asked immediately, her excitement turned into confusion. "The guys?"

"Mhm. I coach both the men's and women's varsity basketball teams here, and the guys really do like you. You'll be what we call Initiate. There's always at least one Initiate on the women's varsity basketball team -- think of it as a scholarship for those desperate to receive tuition assistance and have a drive for the sport. It's been a tradition since I started coaching here, and I heard a few other coaches here are starting to pick up on it," Coach Hammond explained.

"Alright... So what do I do? How do I earn this scholarship?" Sophia asked.

"By servicing the guys, Ms. Le. In more frank words, you're going to serve as the varsity basketball team's 'stress-ball.' Whenever they call for you, you'll be expected to show up and help the guys de-stress. In return for your services, I will allow you to have a position on the women's varsity basketball team here. It's a rather easy concept to grasp."

"And what how would I help the guys 'de-stress?'" Sophia asked.

"Well for lack of a better term, you would be the guys' fuckslave. You'll be used however they wish and whenever they wish. The whole process will require a lot of endurance and you may pass out your first time around. Most Initiates do," Coach Hammond said in a weirdly calm voice, as if he's done this many times with no repercussions.

"That's-- that's so fucked up," Sophia's fear and bewilderment betrayed her voice. "You're saying this has already happened to other girls? That you've--"

"Yes, Ms. Le. It's happened and that's why our sports teams are so prestigious. The teams need something to vent all of their stress into and something to work towards if they want to win championships. You'll be a champion alongside them, Ms. Le. I understand your apprehension, but trust me, no Initiate has come here and has not found fame and glory."

"No -- that's just so fucked up!" Sophia's voice took on one of anger, "What the hell is wrong with you? With your team? Does the administration know about this?"

"Yes, of course. After the first Initiate threatened to sue me, the school took to covering up just about everything that had to do with the scandal. That Initiate is now... Well, let's just say that she's not necessarily having the best time here at our school," Coach Hammond added a note of sinisterness in his voice.

"You're sick, so fucking sick!" Sophia's finger hovered over the hang-up button.

"Consider it, Ms. Le. Enroll in this scholarship, take the offer. I don't think your career in basketball has much of a future if you don't."

Sophia ended the call and laid back on her bed, staring up at the wall. She felt sick that such an institution existed, and rolled onto her side, clutching a pillow. She looked at her wall, which was full of posters displaying NBA players and basketball stars. She could have gotten into any college with her academic records, but getting onto the basketball team would've been much harder. She wanted to go downstairs and vent everything to her mom, tell her of the terrible and disgusting business that was just revealed to her. But something else sickened her -- she was actually considering it.

Hours passed as she thought about the offer and sat in her room. Eventually, she called Coach Hammond again.

"Good evening, Ms. Le. Isn't it a bit late for you to be up?" Coach Hammond asked.

"I'll do it," Sophia said, her heart heavy with shame, "I'll take the offer."

"Glad to hear it, Ms. Le. We'll arrange everything for your stay here. It'll be a three-day stay, and you're welcome to bring some family if you wish. I'll call you back when everything's settled. Welcome to your future, Ms. Le," Coach Hammond said before hanging up.

Sophia put her phone down on her lap. She ran her fingers through her long, soft hair and sighed.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." She whispered to herself, before turning off the lights and heading to bed.
Sophia Le (Middle) is a Vietnamese-German mix
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She is currently a senior at her high school
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She turned 18 last August
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Basketball team
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Basketball Team
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Re: The Initiate (HS Teen Stories)

Unread postby colorblindchrome » Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:22 pm

Author's Note: Here it is, the first chapter of the Initiate. Instead of going full gangbang, I decided to just throw in a bukkake for Sophia. I think I already know what I'm going to write next, but would you rather see Elise or Sophia in the next chapter? PM or post in the discussion, I'm interested to hear what you guys think. Again, you guys can commission for individual stories or add your girl into the Initiate canon, but you've gotta PM me first for a consideration. Also, again, pictures are for visual support on what our protagonist looks like, and characters are in no way supposed to be their real life counterparts. Enjoy this sloppy chapter for our protagonist.

Chapter 1: Initiation

Sophia looked out the window as she sat in the passenger seat of the car. Her mother was driving, with her younger sister, Elise, sitting in the back. She didn't tell any of her family of what was to happen in the next few hours, but brought her mom and sister along in case anything went sour.

"What's up, Sophia? Are you tired? You look tired," Her mother asked, noticing Sophia's less-than optimistic mood.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Sophia lied, "It's just, I'm a little nervous."

"Don't be. You are Sophia Le, my daughter. You are destined for greatness, and basketball really is your passion, you should get through this interview very easily."

"Yeah... I hope so," Sophia said, continuing to stare out the window.

"Too late to go back now..." Sophia thought to herself, "I've got to do this. I need this scholarship."

A few hours later, the Le's were given an on-campus tour. This was Sophia's dream college, and the more she saw, the more desperation she felt to get into this college. She knew that the coach arranged for this to happen, and that he was manipulating her emotions and ambitions to soften her. She felt guilt because it was working. The tour guide left the Le's at the coach's office, and Coach Hammond came out to greet the family.

"Ah, hello Mrs. Le," He said, shaking her hand.

"Hello Coach Hammond, pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure's all mine," The coach said with a smug grin. He looked at Sophia, keeping the grin on his face.

"Hello, Sophia," Coach Hammond said, reaching his hand out.

"Hello, Coach," Sophia shyly shook his hand.

"And this must be your sister. What's your name?" He said, taking Elise's hand.

"Elise," She replied, shaking the coach's hand.

"And what sport do you play? Basketball?" Coach Hammond asked.

"Nope, soccer," Elise said.

"Ah, soccer. I believe we have a very similar scholarship here for the soccer team as well. I'm thinking you'll be able to get it very easily," Coach Hammond said, looking at Sophia, who was radiating anger.

"Anyways, let's get to this interview, hm? Come on, Sophia, let's meet the team," Coach Hammond said.

"Yeah, right," Sophia replied, trying to keep all of her emotions suppressed.

"Coach Hammond?" Mrs. Le said, "Please, take care of my daughter. Go easy on her, will you?"

The coach chuckled, "Of course."

There were a players on the basketball team, with the majority of them being black. Many were seniors, but there were some juniors, sophomores, and freshman players as well. When Sophia walked onto the court, their eyes immediately locked onto her. They were all sitting in the bleachers, stripping her with their eyes. They whispered to each other, and Sophia could hear them.

"Damn, look at those legs. Can't wait to have a piece of that high school ass."

"Hope she didn't have too much to eat because I'll be filling her up with baby batter soon."

"So, who gets first pick?"

"I want her pussy. Gotta fuck the virginity out of her."

"Mouth for me, gotta paint her throat with my cum."

"Hey, hey, hey, you all know very well what we do with Initiates first."

Sophia stood before the whole basketball team. They towered over her, with the shortest one being a little over six feet. She looked up at them with fear in her eyes. She was wearing her black basketball uniform, consisting of a jacket and tights (see pictures from previous post).

"Alright boys, have at her. Try not to break her too quickly now," Coach Hammond said.

The guys all laughed as they surrounded Sophia. As they did, Coach Hammond left the court, and went off to look for Mrs. Le and Elise.

The basketball players began to grope at Sophia's body, squeezing her tits, rubbing her clit through her tights, and pushing their bulging cocks against her ass. Sophia took deep breaths and closed her eyes, trying not to whimper as the guys felt her up and down.

"What you got this on for, huh?" A player asked, unzipping her black jacket, revealing her green t-shirt.

"Girl came fully clothed to a gangbang, man. Gotta punish her for making us work," A player said before slipping his fingers down her tights and fingering her through her panties. Sophia let out a slight moan as the two fingers rubbed against her pussy. There was warmth coming from between her legs, and the player could feel it.

"Oh, she's excited," The player grinned as he said this.

"Alright Sophia, down on your knees. Come on," The player said, pushing down on her shoulder to get her down on her knees. As Sophia got down to her knees, a player pulled her green shirt off of her and tossed it aside. She didn't wear a bra underneath, and her supple tits jiggled as her shirt was taken off.

"Damn, you are fine as fuck," A player said before whipping out his huge cock. Sophia's eyes widened when she saw this man's cock, and when the other players whipped out their cocks, her jaw dropped. None of them were below 6 inches, and all of them were as wide as a bottle. They began stroking themselves, their cocks hanging near Sophia's face. One of them slapped his cock against Sophia's cheek.

"Come on, you gotta do some work too if you want to earn this scholarship."

Sophia put her hand on the huge rod of meat and began to jerk the man off. She pulled back and forth slowly. Another player grabbed her other hand and put it on his cock. With a cock in both hands, another player took this opportunity to put a cock in her mouth.

"Mmm..." Sophia let out a moan as she felt the warm rod go into her mouth and slide on her tongue.

"Come on, girl, suck it! Earn your place on the team!" The player commanded her, and Sophia obeyed, moving her head back and forth on the cock. All around her was just a sausage fest, and the heat began to make her sweat. She began to jerk off the cocks in her hands faster and with more vigor, tugging at them and gripping the meat in her hands. The player she was sucking off put his hand on the back of her head and pushed on her head, choking her on his cock.

"Mm! There we go! You just need a little skullfucking, that's all! Mm!" The player said, continuing to clog Sophia's windpipe with his cock. Sophia could feel the air escaping her lungs as she coughed and sputtered on that cock down her throat, with drool and spit escaping out the corners of her mouth and running down her chin.

"There we go! Keep holding it! Keeping holding it!" A player cheered, jerking himself off at the sight. Sophia's hands were now on the man's legs and she tried to pull away, but the other player kept her head pushed up against his groin, cock all the way down her throat. Her face was getting red and tears were running down her cheeks.

"Damn, she's lasting longer than the other girls!" A player cheered.

"Hey, we didn't tell you to stop!" A player said, grabbing her hand and putting it back on his cock, forcing her to jerk him off as she choked on the meat rod down her throat.

The player eventually pulled his cock out of her throat, giving Sophia enough time to sputter and gasp for air. Then, the player slammed his cock back into her throat, skullfucking the teen with a passion. Sophia held on to the man's legs for dear life as he repeatedly slammed his cock into her face, moaning like an animal as he did. Tears, drool, and spit dripped down to her cheeks and onto the floor.

"Oh shit -- oh shit!" The player said, with his balls touching Sophia's chin and his cock down her throat, "I'm gonna cum!"

Sophia's eyes widened as she heard this, and before she could stop it, cum blasted down her esophagus and straight into her belly. It blasted out of the corners of her mouth and some trickled out of her right nostril and down into her lips. The player pulled out and Sophia coughed out cum onto the floor, gasping for air.

"Damn... You swallowed a lot of that! Must be hungry for more then, huh! Next! Let me clean my cock first," The player said, using Sophia's hair to clean the cum off of his cock.

"Take this Queen and dry your face! You're gonna need it!" A player tossed her her green shirt. Sophia picked up, trying to hold back her crying, and wiped her face of the sweat and cum.

"Hey, come on! Can't be out yet! You've still got . more loads to take, bitch! Get to it!" A player said, putting her hand on his cock. Sophia slowly jerked the player off, still recovering from the skullfucking.

"Hm. I guess she doesn't want this scholarship then. Someone get the coach--" A player began.

"Wait! No! Okay!" Sophia began to jerk off the player at a faster pace.

"Damn right. You want our cum, you Queen! You want it!" The player yelled down at her. Another man stood before her, holding out his cock for her to suck. Sophia put her lips around the head of the cock, and began to work on that cock. Although she was sick to her stomach, she knew that she was in too deep now, and that the only way out was to fuck through it.

Coach Hammond talked to Mrs. Le and Elise, "Yeah, your daughter's doing just fine. She's practicing with the varsity team right now. They'll gauge what position she needs to be in and what skills she'll need to work on. But so far, she's showing promise and we love that."

"That's good. I'm so glad to hear it, Mr. Hammond," Mrs. Le said with a smile on her face, her voice full of pride.

"She's a good girl with a bright future ahead of her. Speaking of which, if you wish, I can get our soccer coach here and maybe have him talk to Elise," Coach Hammond said, eyeing Elise, who gave a shy smile.

"Uh, don't you think she's a little too young?" Mrs. Le asked.

"The Initiate Scholarship considers young high school women of all years, in order to provide equal opportunity for students at every level. If you think Elise is up for it, then I highly suggest that you get her this interview. Trust me, Elise, I think you have a bright future here at this university."

"I don't know..." Mrs. Le was hesitant. Elise was silent, but her eyes were full of curiosity, and the coach could see it.

"You won't get an opportunity like this again, Elise. The soccer coach is on campus right now. I can call him and get him over here. He's a nice guy, and even nicer when he's talking with juniors like you. He'll be especially welcoming since you'll be taking initiative and showing your passion for the sport by taking the interview at such a young age and on such short notice," Coach Hammond said with a silver tongue.

"Can we have a few minutes to talk it over?" Mrs. Le asked.

"No," Elise said. Coach Hammond looked at her with a grin. "I'll do it," Elise said.

Sophia coughed as the rod of meat slid out of her throat and out of her mouth. She looked up at the cock, which was aimed down at her face, and watched as cum blasted out of the huge cock and soaked Sophia's face with cum. She had taken about 3 loads down her throat and this was the 8th load on her face. Thick, white cum dripped down her chin and fell into the puddle of cum which pooled between her legs. Sophia grabbed her cum rag, which was once her green shirt, and wiped her face with it. The player cleaned his cock using her cum-gunked hair, "Damn Sophia, didn't think you'd stay awake for this long! Think you might be the first to make it this far without passing out!"

"She is," A player said, before blowing his load onto Sophia's tits, "Yeah... Congratulations, Sophia. You're a lot more resilient than I thought."

"Mhm, thought she'd pass out by the fourth time she had a cock down her throat," A player said, sitting down on the bleachers as he had already blown his load onto Sophia's face.

"Well, she ain't done yet," A player said. The man had a very muscular body and stood a little taller than the other players.

"Ha-ha! Yeah, get 'er, Marcus! Get her!" A few players cheered. Sophia, who was now on her fours, looked up at Marcus, the team captain and a basketball prodigy. Sophia had heard about him on Twitter and the sports news, and even idolized him. Marcus was the one she feared the most, because she knew just how impressive he was.

"This is it, Sophia. If you're still awake and can blink when I ask you to after I'm through with you, you'll have earned your scholarship," Marcus's cock swung below his knees, he was easily an 8-incher, soft. Sophia shakily got back onto her knees, her thighs wobbling and her face full of exhaustion. Cum ran down between her tits and soaked up into her tights.

"Come on, jerk me off."

Sophia grabbed onto Marcus's huge cock and began to jerk him off, pulling back and forth, looking up at Marcus. Marcus smiled down at her.

"Damn, you're even more beautiful with your skull-fucked by over five guys."

Sophia looked back down at his cock with shame, having to grab the thing with both hands.

"Alright, I think you've excited it enough," Marcus said, grabbing the bulging, rock-hard cock.

"Say 'aaaah.'"

"Aaaaah" Sophia opened her mouth wide, with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. Marcus's cock rocketed all the way down her tongue and into her throat. Marcus grabbed onto Sophia's head with both hands and began pounding her skull against his cock. Her eyes bulged and tears began to flow out of her eyes again.

The cock pumped in and out of her throat with fury and power. The big black cock clogged her throat, and left it only to clog it again within half a second. Sophia's hands, which were on Marcus's waist, dropped to her sides and she let out choking and gargling noises. Spit and drool dripped down from her mouth and into the puddle accumulating between her knees. She would've cried, but all that came out for moans and noises a human shouldn't make.

"Just like that, Sophia! Just like that! Yeah! Come on, baby!" Marcus said, skullfucking Sophia into oblivion. Sophia's eyes rolled into the back of her head as her vision began to go dark. She would've passed out, had it now been for the blast of cum that rocketed down her throat and straight into her belly. Cum came out both of her nostrils, freeflowing like the tears coming from her eyes. She coughed out all of the cum and let it drip from her chin down to the puddle below her. Marcus then wiped all of the cum on his cock on Sophia's face, making sure to get her eye so that she had to close it.

"Fuck... You're still awake, huh? You really want this scholarship, huh? Well, you've got it... You've just been initiated, Queen," Marcus said, tucking his cock back into his shorts. The basketball players all gave each other high fives before surrounding Sophia again. One of the players stayed back on the bleachers.

"Muh... Ugh..." Sophia let out moans as she recovered from the brutal skullfucking, and slowly looked up. Her hair was all messed up and gunked with cum, and a trail of tears dried on her face. She had dried and wet cum on her tits, hands, and thighs, which soaked into her tights. Her mouth was left slightly open so she could breathe through her mouth. Then, she saw a flash come from a phone.

"Got it," A player said. "Got the picture."

"Alright. You've got the scholarship, Sophia. We'll make sure to give you the picture, so you can relive this moment," Marcus said, grabbing onto her head and turning it so she was facing him. The players all left her in the court alone, and Sophia leaned down onto her back, looking up at the ceiling. The puddle of cum, tears, drool, and sweat she left behind was very noticeable, and a sign of how much she endured through initiation. After a few minutes, Sophia got back onto her feet, very shakily, and put on her drenched cum rag of a shirt, and put on her jacket to cover it. She used her jacket, a jacket she admired as a sign of her dedication to the sport, and wiped her cum-drenched face and hair with it. After taking a few deep breaths, she shakily stumbled through the door, and went to look for her mother and sister.

As she left the gymnasium, Elise took a few shaky steps back, her hands over her mouth. She was watching Sophia's initiation from the office of the soccer coach.

"You-You..." Elise was at a loss for words.

"That was your sister's initiation. Your own older sister, skullfucked and humiliated by a dozen guys," The coach said with a sadistic smile on his face.

"N-no... Sophia... Oh my God," Elise stammered.

"Look, she was smart. She knew that trading her body for a year with the prospect of joining a varsity team here was a good deal. You should have that same insight, too. Come on, think of your family. Think of Sophia. Hell, she won't tell you about it because of how her brain must've been broken from her initiation, but she'd tell you to take it. I mean, she did it, so why wouldn't you?" The coach asked.

"I-I don't want that... It looks... painful," Elise tried to hold back her tears.

"Don't worry about that... That's Coach Hammond's way of initiating young women into his varsity teams. I've got [b]another method[b]..." The soccer coach said as Elise turned back to meet his eyes.
What Sophia's wearing
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Sophia and Elise + friend
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Face-shot of Elise
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Sophia's green shirt and to-be cum rag
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Face-shot of Sophia and her mom
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Re: The Initiate (HS Teen Stories)

Unread postby colorblindchrome » Tue Aug 06, 2019 7:22 am

I know it's been quite a while and most of you can probably assume this but I'm done with the Initiate and making stories for the time being. Thanks for the support and feedback on this short-lived series.
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