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Teen nudes

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Teen nudes

Unread postby Freeyourdesires » Sun Oct 16, 2022 5:11 am

Please read.

Have you ever wondered to yourself that what I'm viewing is right? That this is what we should be viewing on a daily basis, poisoning our minds and soul?

Do you not feel guilty everytime you jack off/cum and afterwards you feel shame and guilt?

You are giving away your power each and everytime especially when it's somebody younger than you.

I'm assuming you've been through some ## sexual trauma right?

We are not alone, but please believe me when I say this, this is not the way.

Pornograthy and masterbation has been one of hardest and most difficult addictions to overcome and each time, my mind and desire has overcome me.

For a few seconds of pleasure isn't worth the negitive emotions and repercussions we get from masterbation, especially when we are looking at 'teen nudes'.

We know deep down its wrong and discusting. It makes us feel dirty and not clean and pure.

Put your phone down, stop looking at these pictures because it will do more harm than good.

There is a way out, use your willpower and strength to overcome this addiction and the longer you go without looking a immoral pictures and masterbating, the more powerful you will become.

Youll become more masculine, more stronger, more driven, more focused, more clear, more balanced and so much more.

You are more powerful than you think but unfortunately the world has put us in a cage and trap of over sexualising everything to make us addicted to Art from a younge age.

We are still learning and are brains are easily programmed at that age of youth. When we start Art young, it so much harder to escape its grip. But there is hope.

We must have a drive to become the best version of yourself with more energy and vitality, and quiting Art will absolutely do this.

We are all in this together, stop right now before it's too late, but that phone down and look at something that will educate you rather than encourage you to fall.

I know there is people out there who will see this and resonate with my words.

Just do the right thing and stop. Youll become unstoppable once you reach a certain point without Art and orgasm. You are wasting your energy, no wonder you feel depleted all the time.

Give up and do yourself a favour, you'll become more attractive and actually find a decent girl you can have real passionate sex with thats actually your age. Thats when it will get good and enlivening for you. Not this fake stuff you're seeing on a screen.

Stop, please, for your own sake and put that phone down and do something productive or go to sleep. Save your energy and relieve your self from the negitive emotions from masterbation. You'll regret it after you orgasm for 3 seconds that it lasts.

You've got this, never give up. If you understand what I'm saying, we are in this together brothers.

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Re: Teen nudes

Unread postby Yumutz » Sun May 26, 2024 11:01 am

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Re: Teen nudes

Unread postby Poplock » Sun May 26, 2024 11:03 am

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