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New Concept

Unread postPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:04 am
by misteru9
Hey there.

I'm learning iMovies quit well, and I think I can create some interesting movies out of stills and short vid clips, edited down and set to any soundtrack you like, it may be your favorite song or one you and your girl both used to like, or just one that she didn't like even. Still photos can be brought to life with zooms and transitions.

Watching your girls pics set to music enhances their appeal I reckon.

It's time consuming to make a 1 minute vid, but with the right video footage (cum shots / wank shots) + photo stills + music = quality time.

If guys like to see their girls cocked, then this takes it up a level.

PM me if you think this is worth exploring.

Re: New Concept

Unread postPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:44 pm
by storm47
i have pics of wife and family email me