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BadgerSFM The 2nd Thread

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BadgerSFM The 2nd Thread

Unread postby badgersfm » Wed May 27, 2020 3:27 pm

No Laughing Matter
Artwork by BadgerSFM | https://.#
Story by SinBad
Collaborated with SinBad, mmmmph, and TheTwoTime

Kara-Zor-El, known better by her Nom De Guerre, Supergirl, had just finished wiping the floor with a bunch of Intergang thugs. Standing by until the police arrived to clean up the mess was one of the less glamorous parts of the job, but her cousin’s incessant lessons about the American rule of law had worn down her resentment of his endless speeches. Rolling her eyes whenever the high-tech thugs cat-called her or tried to goad her into letting one free, she managed to hold both her tongue and fists until Metropolis’s finest moseyed onto the scene. Giving her statement, damage report and descriptions of what had been almost stolen, she was finally allowed to leave the scene and flew straight to her apartment. Declining to change out of her Kryptonian outfit, she instead put on a sweater and some slacks. Pouring herself a heavy glass of wine, she flipped on the TV and social media to see what her other superhero pals had been up to.

According to the news and from the online grapevine, Wonder Woman was in Paris, taking care of some art thieves, Flash was spending time with his wife and . baby, Batman, or rather Bruce Wayne had been forced to handle an attempted hostile take-over of his company by Lex Luthor and Superman was a million light-years away, saving a solar system from its star that was about to go supernova. All in all, the friends Kara had been closest to were all unavailable to hang out. Sipping her glass, she sighed aloud, wishing that she had the time to get closer to other members of the superhero community. Standing up, Kara felt suddenly light-headed but ignored the feeling. Keeping her eyes fixed on the screen, one thing did catch her eye; reports of Boom-tubes opening, reports of those strange mother-boxes appearing and, most interesting of all, the Joker hadn’t been seen in over a year.

The feeling of her head growing lighter did not go away, even after she put down the mostly full glass of wine. Rubbing her temples, she couldn’t quite compare what she was feeling to drunkenness as her entire body grew weaker. Stumbling towards her television, she snapped her hand forwards to stop from falling by grabbing the edge of the entertainment center. Shaking her head, her long hair whipped around as she felt that she was not alone.
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Re: BadgerSFM The 2nd Thread

Unread postby badgersfm » Wed May 27, 2020 3:28 pm

Scanning the wall with her failing X-Ray vision, the outline of a skeleton was seen behind the thick brick wall. Peering harder at the thing, she shook her head and decided it would be best to not take chances. As she neared the corner, a large and seemingly dark presence was felt in her home. Pausing for a moment, Kara saw a glowing syringe dip out of sight. Throwing caution to the wind, the Kryptonian threw her arm around the corner and took hold of a coat’s lapel, dragging the wearer to her face. Unfortunately for her, the odds were already stacked against her.

The vivid green hair, chalk white face and petrifying grin of the Joker himself greeted her before the needle was pressed into her neck, giving her only a few precious seconds to counterattack. Driving her fist into the intruder’s gut, she ripped the needle from her neck and swung again, landing a blow to the side or the man’s neck. In the sudden haste she hadn’t noticed the hulking figure watching the scene unfold as she warded off a hard cross which was followed by a random spray of water hit her in the face, distracting her. The iconic cackle shook her slightly as the Jester of Genocide doubled up his attacks

Swiping away the rabid swipes of the Joker with increasing difficulty, she managed to land a few blows, namely a knee to his gut that knocked the wind out him and a hammer fist to the jaw that knocked him backwards. Letting out a battle cry, Kara charged forwards and planted both feet into his chest, knocking him out of the living room, sliding across the hallway and colliding with the solid brick wall. The clown had barely scrambled to his feet before the attack continued, pummeling him with increasingly weaker strikes.

For the first time since she had arrived on Earth, Kara was sweating and gulping down air with ragged breaths. Instead of simply beating her intruder to paste, the Joker was managing to block and parry the punches and kicks. For the first time since she had walloped him, Supergirl realized that the Clown hadn’t said a single word. “No more laughs, Joker? How’s this for a punchline then!” Kara brought her fist down one last time, eager to knock the madman’s head through his body and out his ass but just before the blow landed, she coughed up a fine mist of blood, making her stop in shock.

“Finally! Talk about a bad batch, I was actually worried for a moment! So many uses for synthetic Kryptonite!” The Jester, finally able to give his prey a quip of his own, dropped a fist and swung it into her hard abdominal muscles, the force being enough to send her stumbling backwards before landing on her ass! Jumping at her, he swung his shoe into her jaw with enough force to snap her head backwards. The dark figure nodded and watched as Joker cackled and started beating her stellar body, paying special attention to her tits. While severely weakened, her flesh still had enough integrity to hold up to the harsh beating without showing signs of damage. Confident that the fight was over and Supergirl was in his hands, the Joker dragged her to her feet and ripped the bottom of her sweater up, exposing her Kryptonian suit underneath. Reclaiming his syringe, he again sunk it into her neck and pressed the plunger, fully injecting the heroine with the serum and making her go limp in his arms, her eyes burning red with a final, desperate attempt to fight back. Groping her tits once again, the Clown Prince of Crime stated, “Well, tall, dark and gruesome, how’s that for a takedown?”
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Re: BadgerSFM The 2nd Thread

Unread postby badgersfm » Wed May 27, 2020 3:29 pm

The car leaving Kara’s apartment was far from subtle, being painted in the vivid green and purple paint that Joker’s crew so favored. Selina Kyle watched with her usual attentiveness as it started up when the Jester himself appeared with an oddly shaped rug over one shoulder. A bright light and a quiet ‘boom’ on the top floor took place, telling the thief that the mystery man was gone as well. With her usual smirk firmly in place, Catwoman said to the cool night air “Don’t worry ., I’m on my way.” Unslinging her whip, she snapped it around a flagpole and began her , of the car through the streets of Metropolis.

With Batman being bogged down in board-room politics and Kara’s usual guardian Wonder Woman being equally busy, Selina had taken it upon herself to look after the new breed of heroines that had begun to emerge. While she was far more at home in Gotham or even Bludhaven, the clean, well-lit streets of Supe’s territory was a welcome change of scenery. The chase went on longer than she expected but after nearly 20 minutes of back-breaking swinging and parkour, she finally saw where Joker’s car had parked. “Well shit.”. The destination of the car was the old CADMUS facility, the stronghold of the anti-superhero faction of the government. The head honcho Amanda Waller had made sure that it was already hard to get into but the question running through Catwoman’s mind was how exactly this bunch of clowns had taken over.

Pushing the question aside, Selina crept towards the main gate and waited for a pattern to emerge with both the guards in the entrance and the rotating cameras. Seeing one after nearly 20 minutes, she took a breath and darted forwards, clearing the entrance but not without being unseen by the guard’s eye. As she patted inside, he lifted his radio and told the boys inside that they were about to have company.

The rug with Supergirl inside was easy to track but was hard to keep up with from the shadows. Eventually reaching the party carrying Supergirl, she whispered to herself that it was showtime. The former thief waited for the crowd to disperse before making her move. With the last goon finally taking off after locking the cell, she hopped down and discovered right away that her judgment was clearly screwed.

“Well if it isn’t my old pal the Cat! I was wondering who would have tried to spring Supes Jr. but I NEVER would have expected you!” The Joker’s shrieking voice cut the silence like a blade, forcing her to stand still and groan.

“Gotta hand it to you, Joker, you’ve really moved up in the world. How’s the knee by the way? Here I was hoping that Bats would do us all a favor and cripple you for good. Oh well, if you want something done right…” her whip’s tip hit the floor “you’ve got to do it yourself.”

The Joker was ready for her, his knife, crowbar and revolver all positioned for immediate use and loaded in anticipation. Selina, for her credit, had brought only her whip and claws. Both fighters let out cries and charged, the Joker taking hold of a fire extinguisher and lobbing it at her head! Selina, fast as a cat and twice as lucky, simply grabbed the container with her whip and flung it right back at him, hitting the lunatic in the chest. Rolling into a cartwheel, she flung herself forwards and planted her boots into his chest, rendering his own attempted attack mute as he was thrown off balance. Scowling with frustration, Joker got up and blocked an incoming flying kick, replying by swinging his foot between her legs hard enough to crack her pelvis!

Crying out and stumbling backwards, Selina snapped her whip forwards and wrapped the tip around her opponent’s ankle, setting her feet for a solid trip. Ripping him off of his feet and onto the ground, she loosened her grip and lobbed her feet forwards again. Her assault was stopped quickly enough however by the Joker’s crowbar crashing into her face! Stumbling back, Catwoman was open to a barrage of attacks. The blows didn’t damage her protective catsuit, but they stung enough to make her pause her assault in favor of defending herself. Playing on his knowledge of her techniques, Joker pulled a fast one and dropped the tool before it actually hit and drew his pistol, firing right in the center of her armored forehead.

The ruthlessness of the Joker overwhelmed her defenses as stars blanketing her vision and her ears ending nothing but a high-pitched ringing. Seeing another attack coming, she raised an arm to parry the next hit from the crowbar but was - of what the Joker was holding his other hand. Feeling her bones buckle under the strike, the stunned Catwoman never saw the knife come up.

Joker cackle with glee as the sharp blade buried itself under her exposed chin, stabbing into the base of her brain as her eyes shot open in shock. “You’re out of lives kitty cat, say hello to Robin for me will you?” With that he tore his blade free and let her corpse fall onto its back. “It's been YEARS now since I’ve carved a turkey! Well they say it’s like riding a bike; rough and bloody.”

Bending down, he stuck the point into the patch of bare skin on her neck, performing his grisly work until all that was left was the spine. “Well look at that! You actually do have a backbone!” Grabbing her head, the Jester twisted it from side to side, snapping and popping the stubborn bone until, at long last it came free! Holding up Selina’s severed head, he could not refuse one last mockery. Holding her head aloft, he coughed and proclaimed, “Oh, poor Selina, I knew her!” Looking to the cell, a devious thought crossed his mind. Taking the ex-thief’s whip, he unlocked the door with the key he had pocketed and entered the cell. Strapping the leather around her wrists, he hoisted her up before depositing her shocked head onto the cell’s table. Nodding, the Joker left in search of more amusement.
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Re: BadgerSFM The 2nd Thread

Unread postby badgersfm » Wed May 27, 2020 3:30 pm

The smell of mold and rust assaulted Kara’s nose as she slowly swam back towards consciousness. The first thing she noticed was how cold her thigh was, having been laying on the hard-concrete floor for an unknowable amount of time. Seeing that she had been left her blue uniform, she shook her head from side to side, realizing the headache was gone before looking at her surroundings. In front of her were solid steel bars that she was confident she could bend with ease. Slowly rising up, she tested the metal, finding that some of her strength had returned. The steel groaned and whined as the welds and rivets started to give way but her efforts were halted by something in the corner of her eye.

Turning her head, Kara screamed at the sight of Catwoman’s corpse hanging from its wrists while her detached head stared at her in shocked silence. Falling to her knees before the slain heroine, Supergirl let a single tear roll down her face. “I promise they will pay for this Selina; I swear to you.” While not knowing her personally, her status as a member of the Bat-family had made her a hero worthy of respect and honor. “At least they left her dignity intact.” Taking comfort in that single thought, Kara turned back to the bars and grabbed them again, grunting as the metal resumed its protest. Grunting and feeling beads of sweat roll down her face, the Kryptonian survivor let out a grunt and a groan, finally shearing off a bar at the base!

One more followed, then another. With just enough to squeeze past, her anger and desire for - served her nearly as well as a yellow sun! Popping a fourth and then a fifth bar free, the Maiden of Might ripped a final bar free and howled with victory! Giving Selena one final look, Supergirl stepped through her self-made door, eager to bring these scumbags and murderers to justice!
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Re: BadgerSFM The 2nd Thread

Unread postby badgersfm » Wed May 27, 2020 3:30 pm

Still too weak to fly, Kara crept through the facility, dodging patrols of prison guards. “How did all these guys wind up here? This place looks like a garbage heap.” For the first time finding her exposing outfit completely useless for her mission, she was forced to knock a few of the guards out to clear a path, though it only seemed to take her deeper into the facility. Large holes in the ceiling had taken away the need for lamps as the bright moonlight flowed through but that was of little comfort to the heroine, seeming to tell her only that the entire complex could come down at any moment. Turning a corner, she stopped to hear the first voice that didn’t belong to a guard.

“I have no interest in whatever pathetic games you want her for, clown, the Kryptonian will be my newest Fury and that is final.” The deep, inhuman voice reminded her of some fantastical re-telling of one of her cousin’s adventures when he had battled some aliens. “Test me further and you will be begging for as quick a death as the infiltrator received.” The low baritone sent shivers down her spine but not enough to make her stop what she was planning. Remembering Selina’s face, Supergirl stood and entered the next room.

hands on her hips, the brazen Kryptonian declared “You all have a lot to answer for! Especially you Joker! If you come quietly I’ll be sure to leave enough teeth you won’t be drinking from a straw for the rest of your life!” Puffing out her chest, she was disappointed by the lack of any response from the half-dozen guards in the room. As if to answer her challenge the Joker’s purple suit appeared, trailed by a colossal being that seemed to radiate a cold, dark feeling.

“My newest servant approaches and is longing for battle. I was hoping her blood would run hot. You may yet prove useful, Clown.” The imposing figure shifted the bulk of his form to face the young heroine, who herself was slightly buckling under the power of his gaze. “You. Fight well and prove worthy of my Furies, your very life depends on it.” The ground under his feet shuddered as he took a step and raised a massive hand. Planting his feet, the figure clenched both hands into fists before concluding “Prepare for Darkseid!”

Kara’s nimbleness saved her from the fist that would have caved in her skull, darting to the side before closing the distance and punching her opponent under the jaw, making him stumble back a step. Letting lose a cry, she leapt and spun, letting both fly at her opponent before her right landed on his face on the knuckles while her left fist hit his nose in a hammer strike. Following the blows with a kick to his lower back, she suddenly felt good about her chances, right until Darkseid’s eye burned orange and shot a pair of beams right into her chest.

Supergirl cried out as she was blasted through a wall and landed heavily on her back, her legs winding up bent over her torso. With a grunt, she rolled backwards onto her knees and stood up slightly, rubbing her sore chest. Gasping, she stepped to the side, narrowly avoiding a fist the size of her head before closing in and wrapping her arms around the massive waist of her enemy. Underestimating his size, she failed to get a secure grip and felt her wrists pinched between stone-like fingers. Unable to move, she took the full weight of Darkseid’s body on her chest as he slammed himself backwards, leaving her semi-buried in old concrete.

The large man was deceptively fast for his size as he rolled over on the floor. Climbing to his knees, he began laying down a punishing number of blows all over her half-buried body. Kara’s focus came back soon enough to feel a few ribs break but not fast enough to save her from being torn from the floor and thrown into the ceiling. The steel-supported roof dented, seeming to hold her in place before gravity called and she fell down, right onto Darkseid’s waiting shin. The armored limb hit her right on her left pelvic bone, failing to break it but forcing her to shudder from the pain! Landing on the floor again, Kara struggled to her feet and nearly pounced, stopping only when a chunk of concrete fell from the ceiling and struck the back of her head

She groaned as she hit the floor, vision doubling as her opponent closed the distance again. Grabbing her by the throat and swinging his fist into her gut, she cried out as the strike felt like it could blow her spine out of her back! With a wheeze, Kara powered up her heat vision, aiming directly for Darkseid’s face but failing as he wrapped her head in his hand and squeezed. “AAAHHHHHHHH!” was all she could cry out as her skull cracked. Dropping to her knees upon release, she looked up slowly as the evildoer reared his foot back and swung, punting her through yet another wall. Hitting the floor on the other side, Supergirl lay motionless, beaten in honest combat.

The crowd of ‘guards’ and Joker all followed behind the behemoth’s lead as he stepped through the hole, gazing in wonder at the two destroyed walls. Approaching the final room, they circled around the dazed, coughing body of the Kryptonian. Smirking, all enjoyed seeing the once-mighty crime-fighter covered in dust and wallowing before them. All but one anyway. Darkseid bent down and lifted her up by the neck, examining her body before saying one word. “Disappointing.” She truly was nothing like her cousin. Never one to waste an opportunity, Joker rushed forwards to cackle at the poor girl, shamelessly lifting her skirt for the boys to jeer and point at. With joy on his face, the jester saw them stroking their hard cocks.
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Re: BadgerSFM The 2nd Thread

Unread postby badgersfm » Wed May 27, 2020 3:31 pm

Kara was still conscious despite having a bad concussion and some broken ribs. The pressure on her neck was immense, but her fighting spirit was refusing to let it continue! Swinging her left fist back towards her better’s face, she cried out again as her arm was grabbed by the elbow, and a loud ‘SNAP’ echoed throughout the room. Kara, with her limited ability to move her head saw that her upper arm was bulging slightly. Knowing what had just happened didn’t help the fact that pain was coming. And come it did.

“AAAAAAHHH!” she screamed again, the pain of her shattered Humerus radiating throughout her entire body. Flailing around and shaking in her flesh collar, the sound of a deep chuckle and heavy armor hitting the ground fully escaped her. For the first time in her life, tears of shame rolled down her face as the Joker continued to grope her tits and the chorus of jeers and stroked penises shattered her already bruised ego. Unable to move and unwilling to sacrifice her right arm in another botched counterattack, Kara felt some of the weight taken off her neck as she rested on a thick branch-like object. Looking down, she shuddered at the sight of the massive grey cock she was straddling.

In seconds her life flashed before her eyes, all her hopes and dreams dashed as she sat upon the tool of her most personal destruction. Halting her tears and putting on a brave face, her composure broke again as Darkseid wiggled her ruined arm in his fist, forcing an even louder shriek to burst from her mouth. The ledge she was seated upon eventually slid backwards until the flat tip of the lord of Apokalypse rested against the entrance of her virgin pussy. Squeezing her crotch muscles as hard as she could, the thought crossed her mind that she was merely delaying the inevitable.

As strong as Supergirl was, Darkseid proved to be her superior in every way. Enjoying her resistance, he nudged her athletic but broken body around with his cock. The clown was just as sadistic as he played with her, slapping her boobs and twisting her erect nipples while squeezing her tiny clit as hard as he could manage with his very human fingers. All the attention, coupled with the fact that her powers were still limited from her previous exposure to the Kryptonite, was beginning to wear down her defenses. Her chokes turned to weak pants and gurgles as her taught pussy eventually loosened up. Seeing his opening, the evildoer finally stopped pissing around and lifted his quarry up higher and slammed her cunt onto his beastly cock!

Kara’s eyes flashed open in shock as her hymen was ripped to shreds and her cervix itself was hit on the very first thrust! Her mouth opened to scream but her lungs were seemingly empty, leaving her gasping like a fish as her tight belly bulged outwards obscenely. The tears themselves had stopped falling as she was stuck on the log-sized member, frozen in the moment. It wasn’t until her first rapist moaned in his rumbling voice that she came back to life. Screaming and cursing her enemies with high-pitched squeals, the Maiden of Might was silenced by the large fingers crushing her windpipe before she could rant any longer.

Lifting her by her throat, Darkseid dropped her down and repeated the action over and over again, forcing her to ride him in a very rough, unorganized fashion. Already growing annoyed, he simply sat her down completely, the tip of his member nestled inside her uterus. From there, he used her shattered arm to force her to shudder, vibrating his cock. Releasing both her arm and neck, the victor simply grabbed her by the waist and began slamming into her pussy. Her arms and legs flailed as her entire body shook with every thrust, each press feeling just as destructive as his fists!

The sloshing sounds coming from the beaten heroine’s insides gave her no comfort as she battled to simply stay conscious from the extreme pain of having a log ravaging her once pristine cunt. Becoming too exhausted to think about what had broken loose inside of her, Kara offered no resistance to her abuser as he grabbed her flopping leg and hoisted it high behind her. The sharp motion had nearly popped it free from the socket but she was miraculously intact. Her face had lost its agonized expression as she felt her skin stretch around the dick inside her, weakly pondering how much more she would have to endure as her audience cheered in muted voices.

Her answer came far later than she expected, Darkseid’s endurance being seemingly Limitless(18+) as he continued to bash into her cervix with every harsh thrust. Shaking her head in weak wonder, she yelped quietly as her long hair was yanked on hard, the grey face of her foe meeting hers. “You could have been something great, Kryptonian. You could have been my favorite Fury. Now you are nothing more than a doll to decorate my home.” With that final monologue, Darkseid lifted her up considerably higher by her neck and took hold of her shattered arm again and pulled her down deeply, finally tearing through her womb and blasting her with his potent semen!
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Re: BadgerSFM The 2nd Thread

Unread postby badgersfm » Wed May 27, 2020 3:32 pm

The heroine let out a final jagged breath as the cock that had defiled her rested against her diaphragm, weakly panting as she was released and toppled forwards. Sliding off of the huge penis with a loud “shlop”, she collapsed to the floor, barely moving. A massive cheer went through the largely destroyed room as the men present hoisted their fists into the air, some even shooting their wads at the sight of her gaping and cum-stuffed pussy. Kara could only shudder as a few more strands of the stuff landed on her bare back before the Joker crouched down beside her, giving her his sadistic grin once again as he rolled her onto her back.

“Still with us Super-slut? Ah look at you, you’re a mess! I would offer to clean you up a bit but well… what would be the point you know?” The Clown stood and danced around for a bit, eventually drawing an ominously glowing dagger from inside his coat. “It’s funny, I told old Lexy boy to go a little lighter with all his green rock craziness, but you know him!” Twisting his face into one of Lex Luthor’s serious ones and adopting the technophile’s deeper voice, he went off “Damn that Superman, I’ll have his hide this time for sure.” Returning to his usual expression and voice, he relented “But how often has that REALLY happened, right?! Well, lucky for me, he’s in prison and his toys are free to try!

With that giddiness out of the way, he crouched down over Kara’s barely living body, tapping her nose with his trousers’ crotch. “Always looked like you needed a cut, how about we take a bit off the top?” Cackling with glee, Joker grabbed her by the hair and held the emerald-colored blade to her neck. “Oh, by the by, my first cut is always free!” Letting lose one of his iconic laughs, he sank the edge into her throat to the bone, dodging a spurt as she gurgled by his face.

In a second, Joker was halfway across the room, landing on his face and skidded across the floor. “Damn foolish clown! I had plans for her! Now she is useless.” Darkseid’s eyes glowed orange, ready to blast the fool into dust for daring to overstep his involvement. Joker meanwhile had a plan in motion to save his own skin.

Hopping to his feet, the Jester raised a hand and stated “Ah ah ah! You do that and you’ll never get the rest of the Justice skanks!” Cautiously stepping behind a foolish guard, he continued, “Who else here has actually caught one of them, huh? Who has made a fool of old Batsy time and again? You’re looking right at him with those - eyes!” Popping his coat, he continued. “Tell you what old boy, let this bygone be a bygone and by next month I’ll have whoever you want trussed up and at your feet! All you have to do is say the name! Supes? Wonder tits? That buffoon with a bat fetish?” Finishing up as Darkseid’s eyes cooled, the Joker let a sigh of silent relief pass his lips.

“The Kryptonian will have to be replaced. Find a suitable candidate, clown. Your life hangs in the balance.” Standing back, Darkseid grabbed the chunk of concrete that had bashed his would-be servant’s head and hefted the large chunk with one hand. Standing over her, he rolled her onto her chest and let out a cry of rage, launching the slab onto the back of her neck and sent her head rolling across the floor. Planting a foot over the stone, he pondered a worthy replacement as Joker’s cockiness returned in full. The guards in the room all shuffled around nervously, each pondering if they, too, would be targets of this villain’s rage.

The mood was soon broken by the charismatic killer clown. Turning back to face the room, he had somehow managed to fit his entire hand into Supergirl’s windpipe! Talking out the side of his mouth, he joked “C’mon fellas! Give me the Prom night I never had!”

The sight of her severed head being used as a puppet immediately broke the tension, a few guards even began laughing. The mood lifted, one guard dropped down behind her body and spread the globes of her ass apart, ignoring her destroyed pussy and angling his cock for her ass instead. Joker was eager to watch and dropped down beside her, watching with gusto as the first of many flipped her skirt up and rammed into the dead heroine’s ass!

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Re: BadgerSFM The 2nd Thread

Unread postby badgersfm » Wed May 27, 2020 3:34 pm

The corpse shuddered and shook with every thrust of the guard, the thrill of ass fucking Supergirl of all people making him salivate, despite the fact her head was lodged on his boss’s fist barely registered in his head. Joker continuously chimed in, using her mouth as a puppet as man kept violating her, saying things like “Oooh, good try but go deeper; you’ll get there eventually; I thought crooks could fuck and the like.”

Eventually the first guard came, shooting 5 strands of pearly semen up her tight rear before pulling out with a ‘pop’. Stepping aside, the next man joined in and sodomised her as well, squeezing her cooling ass while swinging in hard and fast. He was a loud fucker, grunting and moaning every time his balls mashed into her gooey slit and sprang away. Lifting a knee, he started to ram into from an angle, getting deeper while simultaneously avoiding dipping his sack into her gaping cunt. He lasted just as long as the first though, soon stuffing her ass as well with 6 strands of his own cum. The line of men moved quickly afterwards, each one adding more cum to her snug ass or pasting the globes before they all had to stop. Joker had an idea.

The goons carried Supergirl’s violated carcass to an office room, where a camera had oddly already been set up. Directing his boys to grab her and hold her up, the festivities were stopped by Darkseid who failed to see the point. “It’s a photo-op! There is no point you big…. Wonderful fellow!” Turning to the camera, a lightbulb went off in his head. “Say lummox, you wouldn’t mind holding her up by the leg would you? It would be PERFECT for the lighting!” Seeing the large brute growl and rip the corpse from the floor, Joker stopped again and told him to wait for a moment. Skipping over, the Clown Prince tugged at the belt of her skirt and slid it off before doing the same with her top. “Now, that is perfection! All right, smiles!”

As the macabre photoshoot began, Joker ripped her head from his fist and took hold of a cane that had belonged to whoever’s office it had been. Sliding her slightly stretched throat over the top, he rested his clean hand on top of her head and watched the scene before him unfold with glee. As the Lord of Apokalypse was captured in vivid detail, Joker was already forming the next part of his plan that involved saving his own neck. Tossing the cane to the goon crouched down beside her, the brilliant psychopath smirked as another photo was taken with her face in the shot.

WARNING : GORE ... _17_33.jpg
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Re: BadgerSFM The 2nd Thread

Unread postby badgersfm » Wed May 27, 2020 3:35 pm

Grabbing the cane back, he left the room and made sure everyone was too busy watching the camera do its thing. Staring up his getaway car, he froze suddenly, kicking himself for forgetting the other intruder. Rushing back and returning, he tossed his prize into the truck and sped away, eager to get out of the big blue boy scout’s town. Checking his phone, his smile spread at both pictures of Supergirl’s final appearance! Speeding towards Gotham, he made sure no one would be seeing him for quite some time

The Daily Planet was ablaze with people the next morning, Lois Lane already going through her digital stack of emails from everyone, from hobos to whichever politician she had pissed off that week. Clearing them all, she resumed her current project on Intergang and their advanced weapon smuggling when a lone email hit her screen. Clicking on it absentmindedly, she went back to her story until the color of it caught her eye. It took a second to register what she was seeing but when she did, she let out an uncharacteristic scream.

Perry White, long-suffering chief editor, examined the photo closely. It was certainly Supergirl, but the massive figure on her left was an unknown. Lois, understandably shaken, was making all the calls she could, reaching out to anyone who would talk to her for an explanation. A hoax was the first thing that was universally agreed on, but with her young hero’s already long rouge’s list, the photos being the genuine article was more than likely. Perry, well aware of the need for sales and also public announcement, did something that he knew would generate both controversy and some well-needed capital. He called up the print department and took lead on the story, bullshitting up how she had met her end. A few days later, a censored version of the photo was plastered on papers all over the city with a headline that read “LESS THAN SUPER”

Back in Gotham, a few weeks later, in the basement of who the police knew as Jack Napier, Joker was watching the news, pleased as punch when Superman arrived at the funeral of his cousin. The looks of pure rage in his eyes as that reporter, Lane, whispered into his ear made the madman grin. Seeing the Man of Steel take off, he quipped to himself “Good luck Supes, now I’M counting on you!” Hoping that the boy scout could take out the big baddie with a few super-powered friends, the Jester sat back and laughed, looking at his crotch.

“Wonder if Bats is gonna be that mad when he finds out what happened to you, Miss Kyle.” Grabbing an ear on her cowl, Joker slid her shocked head off of his cock and set it aside, right under her stripped and strung-up body. “Well can’t afford to find out now, times a wasting!” Leaving his hideout for his boat, he grabbed what he’d dubbed the Krypto-cane and sped out into the waterway, accompanied by Supergirl’s severed head. With any luck, that last shipment of Kryptonite bullets would be available to steal.

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Re: BadgerSFM The 2nd Thread

Unread postby badgersfm » Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:01 pm

Far Cry Island Capture

Vaas and Buck were in for treat after successfully ambushing the young, once fearless, Lara Croft. Had Lara been executed on Yamatai, she would have been saved from the endless horrors and slavery to come.

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Re: BadgerSFM The 2nd Thread

Unread postby badgersfm » Mon Jul 06, 2020 6:06 am

Cassie Cage will be the July babe. Enjoy!


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Re: BadgerSFM The 2nd Thread

Unread postby badgersfm » Mon Jul 20, 2020 2:28 pm

Kano's Ending 1/6

Johnny reminds Cassie that she's a Cage and that Kano is nothing more than a common thug. Little does Cassie know this will be her final fight and the last time she will see her father alive.

Far Cry Island Capture Episode 1

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