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Help With Video Enhancing Required

Unread postPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 11:17 am
by qwerty3058
Hi, I have a grainy 10 seconds long video taken with the zoom on my cell phone camera.
I have tried with what I have on my phone to enhance the video to make it more clearer and less grainy to no avail .
I am hoping somebody on here is able to make it cleaner and more visible for me?
I would expect no money to change hands but you are able to keep a copy of the video should you require.
Please inbox me for my Telegram details.
A screencap has been attached to show how grainy the video is.

Re: Help With Video Enhancing Required

Unread postPosted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 2:37 pm
by qwerty3058
Anybody wanting to have a go?