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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby justaguy123 » Tue May 28, 2024 5:07 am

Do you think you have a hot girl? Let's find out how quickly she can make me cum!

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby Finixbird1122 » Tue May 28, 2024 5:08 am

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby analslut096 » Tue May 28, 2024 5:09 am

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby ramhen » Tue May 28, 2024 5:09 am

Need someone to trib leah
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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby Alexhtown » Tue May 28, 2024 5:10 am

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby Dmack09 » Tue May 28, 2024 5:11 am

Another hot trans bitch showing off

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby pointlessdraw » Tue May 28, 2024 5:12 am

I'm making fakegagged edits. Send dm if you want to see my collection/edits or want to request. Mostly doing nordic girls (finnish/swedish/norwegian)

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby Essaere » Tue May 28, 2024 5:13 am

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how do I tell my sister how I feel?

Unread postby anonygang58 » Tue May 28, 2024 5:14 am

Hi guys, I’m [M24] looking for brother & sister couples or people that have experienced B/S fantasy to get some guidance on my situation. I’m in a dilemma and need some advice on if I should send the text I’ve added to the bottom of this prompt to my sister [F27]. For some context, we are 2.75 years apart but we only had 1 grade between us so we were pretty close in grade school and what not. She knows basically everything about my life, she’s who I’ve gone to the most for any family/life issues. She currently has a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend. Dont get me wrong, I love my girlfriend and she checks all my boxes, but I feel like I need to deal with my sister complex before I continue forth with my relationship. Also my sister’s boyfriend is kinda lame, he doesn’t drink, he only smokes weed, isn’t in a good college and isn’t really working towards anything meaningful in his life. She’s been very iffy with him since the beginning, I think she just likes the comfort and the fact that he’ll literally do anything she says. My family doesn’t really like him much and she often complains about him but seems basically too lazy or too busy to ever actually do anything about her relationship. Also I go to a top 10 school in my field and am studying to be an engineer and she often mentions that she wants me to pay for her practice once she graduates and that she wants to live close by to me and go on vacations with me and my family but almost makes it seem like she wants me to spoil her eventually. I can never tell if she means it in a way like we should stay tight as family or if there’s something deeper

Some more context: Growing up, we started watching Art together and eventually our grandpa also watched w us. He started getting #Censor and touching us in weird ways when we just wanted to watch the Art so then we had this huge fight in our family (my parents got involved and pissed at us but also at my grandpa) but since then we haven’t really talked about it and if we have it’s always been hella . and just centered around how #Censor our grandpa was.

My sister and I have never discussed the fact that we literally used to masturbate together and that she showed me her tits when I was in like 3rd/4th grade and she was in 5th/6th grade. I have no clue how she feels about me and we’ve never really brought it up ever again. I don’t even know if she remembers or if the trauma blocked it out of her memory. I was the one that showed her Art, and I also asked to see her tits (after we’d already masturbated together) so idk if there was genuinely interest from her side or no but from what I remember, she was the one that initiated masturbating while we waited for our parents in the car in a jewelry store parking lot. Ever since then I feel like I’ve had an ever growing sister complex and I literally have no clue what to do about it. Another big part of it is that in 2021 I did send her a dick pic one time and told her it was an accident then I got drunk w her and sent a wild text about how I base all my girlfriends off her because I lowkey kind of have a crush on her and that the dick pic wasn’t an accident but then when I sobered up i like freaked out and told her not to read that message at all (it was really long and I couldn’t unsend it). She said I was really fucking weird but like that it was fine and acted like nothing happened the next day (that was in 2021). we go on a lot of family vacations so I have to share a bed w her every so often. We also know a lot of details of one another, not just like the normal shit but I know like hella vivid sexual details and she also knows a lot of details on my sex life. We’re pretty open about it and always have been, we’re pretty good friends just in general. as any normal little brother experiences, she often makes me take pictures for her on vacation, she doesn’t mind sleeping in the same bed as me, but honestly she seems to genuinely enjoy spending time w me fs cuz a lot of times when I come home she literally refuses to leave my room and just talks to me a bunch. I haven’t really tried flirting with her at all and especially after I sent her that text, (literally since 2021), I still get a little weird around any sort of potential flirting cuz I think she might hate me still even though she acts hella normal. But she’ll say shit like for example we just went on vacation with friends and family and stayed in a really old airbnb and when we were walking through rooms to choose what room we wanted she was like “hell no we can’t do this room” as she laughed and then said “cuz if we do, even if you don’t want to, you’d have to cuddle me.” And like I have no fucking clue if that’s just like a joke to make as normal siblings or not bc I literally have such a bad sister complex because it feels like we’ve never discussed anything. I’ve written out this whole text that I want to potentially text her but at the same time I dont want to ruin our friendship really. I will 100% have to continue seeing her as we often come home a lot and both deal with a lot of the same trauma from our parents (just like verbal abuse and neglect from our mom, we’re very well off but at the price of very neglectful parents but mostly just my mom). We also played cards against humanity one time and there was this one black card that was like what’s the next big thing to blow up? or something along those lines and she put down fantasy… What was even weirder about it was that everyone put their cards down and I chose something different than her card, but we were with my 3 cousins and her and I was like bruh who chose fantasy and she like embarrassingly said “Me” and like laughed it off but idk if she just thought it would be funny around our cousins, or she just didn’t have any better cards so she was just tryna get rid of a card lol. Like genuinely it seems like she could easily be flirting with me here but also im only telling you the details of the potential flirting, we go through so many different hangouts where we never say anything flirty and we also talk about our relationships w our significant others a lot. a lot of these experiences are spread out but she’ll randomly do something that seems kinda flirty and my sister complex comes right back and im like fuck I really need to deal with this. sometimes she does the opposite as well, like one time she asked me on vacation if she thinks people ever think we’re in a relationship when we go on vacation and I kinda just ignored the question and kept talking about something else but then she Brought it up again and was like ew I hope they dont but it almost seemed forced? Or as if she might be setting a boundary? But idk, other times she talks about how she can’t wait till we’re the same weight (I’ve always been really skinny but I started working out a lot and eating healthy while she’s mostly been slightly overweight all her life but now she’s started working out and eating healthy and we’re nearly the same weight now lol 165lbs). I’ve been avoiding it because I thought I could just suppress it until it goes away but honestly it just seems like the only way I would be able to make this sister complex go away is by never speaking to her again so I don’t keep running into situations where I over think what she says OR I could also talk to her about it and ask her straight up if she remembers everything and if she is flirting or not lol. I really dont know how to navigate this situation so any sort of help would be much appreciated. Any suggestions on the text I wrote for her, or suggestions on whether I should even send a text or how I should navigate it would be super helpful. Thank you if you read this whole thing!

The Text:

I hate that I feel this way. And honestly I want to fix this in my head but i think it’s probably been one of the toughest battles in my head and also a very difficult mindset to change in my head. Just hear me out because I promise you it makes a lot of sense where it stems from and why it persists and also why I want to fucking fix it. But obviously, we did some stupid things during our ## that’s no secret among us (although maybe you forgot bc it’s trauma but I def still haven’t forgotten unfortunately/fortunately.) Obviously we don’t speak about it much but it has affected me in a lot of ways that I seriously wish it never affected me in!! I still remember vividly the text I sent you the night we celebrated finishing undergrad. Idk exactly what I sent but I sent some dumb things but that directly correlates with how I was impacted by our activities in our ##. I’m in this point in my life rn where I’m trying to change the way I think about everything especially since i actually care about my life now and am going to therapy and changing my entire life so I felt like i finally had to actually face this issue. And also, i am saying this ahead of time that i am super aware I probably need to fix my mindset. The problem is, I have these memories of us that I can’t break free from nor bring up to my therapist because they’re so embarrassing so it’s like how the fuck do I even fix this. It’s so embarrassing especially thinking bout how you’re in a good relationship, as am I, I have friends, you have friends like we are very normal people. And as a sister, I’m so glad to have the relationship I have w you where we can talk about everything and anything and we can be good friends and also just siblings who have to deal w our shitty ass parents and what not. I don’t want to do anything to risk that bond/friendship that we have because you are always going to be one of my best friends (I hope) and I’m super super appreciative for you and I do love you and am so glad to have literally the best older sister on the planet. I truly cannot emphasize enough how much I am so glad to have you in my life, you’ve impacted my life like no other. And the last thing I wanna do is bring up more stress for you considering just how much stress we both have. I’m trying to get through school, my extracurriculars, get a good internship, leetcode, recruiting, etc. You’re doing your internship, doing your classes, constantly busy w assignments and exams. Like we are busy individuals working towards our goals and I’m so proud of us for doing that, it’s actually dope asf. Look at us fucking grind man. But anyways, back to the topic at hand. I have been thinking about bringing this up to you for a while and I just don’t even know because it’s like I don’t wanna bring it up to you because it’s embarrassing but at the same time I really am in this mode where I just gotta face my anxieties and just feel my feelings and figure out what is distracting me or changing how I feel about life because it honestly affects me and my performance! And this is one of those things. So referring back to the memories I have, I just have random memories of like us getting off in random parking lots as STRANGE as that sounds. Like I vividly remember us both just like you made yourself finish and I made myself finish in [removed name]’s parking lot. Same w at the jewelry store we used to go to. And I also have a memory of me trying to get my dick hard for you when I was a . and also of me asking you to show me your boobs. And you did! But also like, what in the fuck right like obviously we were ., we were obviously just curious about everything so it’s kind of okay but also I don’t know how to break from those? Also I think I remember you saying something about the fact that your brain does block a lot of those memories and honestly like I said I wish mine did too. Idek if the memories I’m thinking of are even honestly real. I have no way of confirming any of that even happened like I could just be going absolutely insane, but that’s why I had to bring it up to you because I just don’t even know and idk how to feel about it nor do I know how you feel about it. It makes me really sad because one of the biggest things in my life is that I never want to make anyone feel uncomfortable and I feel you are someone who means so much to me, you’re someone who has basically experienced my entire life w me, lived thru very similar struggles and some how always kept it together better than me, yet I made you, someone who I hold very close to my heart (as corny as that sounds lmfao) feel uncomfortable. That’s genuinely the last thing I wanna do and I think that’s one of the biggest reasons I want to fix this now bc I’m so sick of feeling like I’m making you uncomfortable and I just wanna have a normal relationship w my sister where we don’t have to worry about anything but there is much to talk about at least from my end lol. It’s like I almost think to myself I wish everything I remember was traumatic enough so that my brain would forget it but unfortunately nothing in my life apparently has been traumatic enough to forget because for some reason there is nothing I can forget. There’s so much shit I want to forget. So much shit I wish I couldn’t remember but instead I fucking can’t and it just confuses me every day. So yeah, I remember all of that and sometimes I still think to myself that when I hit a certain weight and get a certain job where I can finally provide for you I’m gonna do it and show you how much better and deserving I am than your boyfriend. Sometimes I wanna be the only person who fixes any of your like tech issues or any other issues for the rest of your life to literally just be the man in your life. Obviously I need to break that way of thinking. I just want to help you w technology because you’re my sister and I should help you out lol. Like you’re family yk, you should get the perks of me literally knowing most everything about technology. And I also want to be able to pay for all your things, your vacations, a big house, your eventual practice and what not. Similar to Mom’s best friend’s husband. But also like that’s not really my job and honestly if it does end up being something I do, I am more than happy to provide whatever funds I get towards those things but I feel like I should break the feelings of wanting to do it as wanting to be the man that provides for you but rather as your literal family and we’ll always be there for one another. I just don’t know how to break these feelings without talking about it at least. Dont get me wrong either like I have most definitely obviously liked a lot of other girls, I think the problem at hand is just that you’re the first girl that I learned about everything with, I fantasized about for years, I literally saw you finish multiple times and now I just continue to see you literally all the time. Like obviously that stuff had an impact on me for the rest of my life. Thankfully was blessed w being relatively smart for the majority of my life, a decent sized dick & good experience lol so a lot of the time I would always fantasize about treating you RIGHT the way you deserve (imo) and fucking you right and wishing I could be the one making you finish. You were always the one girl I always wanted to have at least just one chance w because I was so curious how it would go since we had those experiences when we were younger but you were also the one person that I was technically never allowed to even think of in that light. I know scientifically, like we’re obviously not supposed to be doing this kinda stuff but it’s never been like oh I wanna marry her and have a family w her it’s always just been that stupid curiosity of like one time. We did all this stuff around one another but we never even tried the whole thing once like I just got stuck wondering what it would’ve been like for the rest of my life. And what makes it even worse is knowing so many vivid details of your sex life as well so im pretty much forced to think about it. I know that’s probably so terrible to read and im so sorry I’m just being as straightforward as possible. This is also partially cathartic to myself because I just need to get this out of my system atp. Also, im sure your sex life is fine or whatever but I’ve always fantasized that we could spice things up amongst ourselves more than we’d be able to w just a significant other or whatever. Especially considering just how good looking we both are and how much experience we both have like, idk that could hit. We could delve deeper into our interests comfortably bc we have an unbreakable relationship and at the end of the day we’re both very empathetic & understanding.

Okay reading that back like wtf, I can’t even believe I thought that but ig I’m glad i got it out. It’s like part of me really thinks that but the other half of me is like what the fuck is wrong w you like huh? And referring to our empathy, that’s exactly why Ive been overthinking like crazy and not wanting to even tell you any of this cuz I keep trying to see this from your perspective but genuinely I have no idea, and honestly I will never have a real idea until I communicate with you. I don’t want to keep making assumptions about how this conversation will go. Obviously, That is NOT the right way of thinking lmao. I want to break that way of thinking. I’m not blaming anything on you, honestly I think most of this is my fault. I feel like there’s probably a way to figure this out without even talking to you like I could keep this to myself. Currently I’m literally contemplating like should I even send this to you or am I just writing down my feelings to feel them and I’ll just get through this on my own. But a lot of me wants to hear from you and know what your opinion is on this whole thing and see if you even remember any of the memories I’m referring to or if I’m literally just going crazy lmao. There are a lot of times where I try to hate you or distance myself from you or avoid hanging out w you for too long because I have this guilt of feeling this way and I don’t want to have that anymore. When we have to share a bed on vacation part of me wants to literally cuddle you up but part of me wants to get as far as possible away from you bc I feel so guilty for my thoughts and I dont want to make you uncomfortable because you matter to me. I’m good looking, smart, disciplined now, I can get good quality women anywhere but why does my mind keep telling me you are the best quality woman and who im specifically interested in? Idk, Idek if you can understand because I genuinely have no idea if you’ve ever even had any singular thoughts in the same nature as me but fucking hell it drives me insane because I’m like why am I thinking these things and am I the only person in the world that does and how the fuck do I fix it and I feel so damn lonely and helpless. In my head still like as we speak I often find myself using you as my motivation to work hard and succeed so I can get the 6 figure job right out of school and start providing you with the treatment you deserve yk. Like I’m gonna be so honest but part of me wants you to be like yeah I remember all of that and as much as I try to suppress it, I can’t and I think about you the same way. But from a realistic standpoint, knowing how you think as an older sister, I practically know you don’t feel that way. And even if you did somehow, I feel like you’d be too responsible to admit it or allow it to continue any further which I totally respect but also I don’t even think you feel that way at all anyways. But that’s why in my brain it’s like why did we literally make ourselves like finish in front of one another multiple times then, like what were we thinking then? I feel terribly terribly guilty about all the things I’ve ever felt and i think maybe so do you? But I don’t even know how you felt at all or what you were thinking. And obviously you were older so like what was even going on? I don’t even know what your perspective is on any of it. That all has driven me insane for years hence why I feel like I have to communicate all of this with you now to finally understand everything. I know you’ve always had the responsibility of being the most responsible and making things in everyone’s best interest which I appreciate so much and it’s so commendable and honestly attractive. & like I said I am trying to break free from these feelings because they’ve been truly taking up so much space in my brain for so long. So obviously I don’t really expect you to respond necessarily. And if you do respond I don’t expect you to be like “ya totally, I remember all of that and I totally think the same way” bc I’m 99% sure you don’t. It just sucks like remembering all of those memories and like forever being curious like I wonder what it would be like actually BEING w you. And it just led me down this crazy path of like no matter who got involved in my life or whatever was going on in my life, something kept me going to continue forth and work my ass off to get to a point where I can just provide for you, give you all the money you need, spoil you w everything you deserve, treat you how you deserve,& love you the way you deserve. It’s ironic because of the fact that I try to make fun of you or tease you and distance myself from You a lot mainly because you’re my sister so I know we’ll always be related no one can really take that from us but also that I wanted to distance myself from these feelings. Like this is so embarrassing.

Okay now that I got all the sappy feelings out, I just have to say that honestly it’s all whatever. Idk why I thought the way I did, I’ll be able to get over it on my own. I felt like I needed to share w you because I didn’t want to feel like I was going insane w the memories I had but I could full well be just conjuring all of that up like there’s a possibility that none of that even happened but I am pretty confident that it did. Regardless, the point of all of this is not to be just another #Censor ass man in your life or someone that you have to be uncomfortable around or someone that you never want to be around anymore either. I also don’t mean to blame you for this either, I don’t think this is your fault, but I do think it needed to be communicated and I still feel like there is some discussion to be had. I feel like w everything that happened plus how early we got exposed to Art, all of the factors really impacted me especially w Art being so like “family focused” as weird as that sounds. It all just messed w my brain. I’m proud of myself for writing this and finally just dealing w my feelings. I truly hate dropping this on you because I feel like it will change my relationship with you forever and if it does I’m sorry. As I mentioned, I am trying to WORK on these feelings and fix them. On the highest level you’re still my sister, I care about you and I want you to care about me and I appreciate all that you’ve taught me about and all that we can discuss and being able to be so open about everything and what not. I love our friendship and never want it to change. But at the same time I’m super afraid telling you all of this will change everything but at the same time I need to break free from it or at least know how you feel about the whole thing to understand better how I can move forward. I truly truly apologize for dropping this on you when you already have so much going on. I wanted to tell this to you for a while and honestly I could never find a good time. I figured I’d tell you now so we could maybe just discuss this before seeing one another. I’ve really been working on trying to communicate in person but this, I just couldn’t get myself to do it. I know how much my long texts/letters can be annoying so I truly don’t mean to drop one of those on you but given the nature of the situation, this is such a difficult topic to talk about in person. But if you do want to call and talk about everything I’m totally fine w that and will most definitely pick up or just tell me to call you and I’ll call you. I know you’re in a relationship and like I said I’m trying to fix my brain and rewire it but goodness gracious when you date someone like him it irks me so much even tho I know it shouldn’t. Just cuz I know you deserve better imo and I just want to work towards giving that to you but I also know it’s not my place yk. I hate trying to compete but good lord you can do so much better like. You’re my sister. I’m not tryna be narcissistic but I know I’m pretty good looking and i get some pretty girls. Most importantly, you’re very attractive!! Your hair looks so good long asl and so healthy and I loved your bangs and what you did w em. Idk why you’re settling (no offense). I know you hate when I criticize you, and so I want to clarify I’m not trying to come at you or judge you. I just wanted to remind you that you are a very good looking and high aspiring individual and you deserve the absolute best. And personally I don’t think you get that as of now but ofc idk all the details lol. Looks aren’t everything, nor are aspirations, but they’re quite a bit still! Whatever tho, not my issue technically. Hopefully you can understand where I’m coming from, where all this stems from and can talk to me a little on your perspective and potentially what to do moving forward. I still apologize for the way I think I’m quite embarrassed about it. Honestly if you hate me for the rest of your life or just want me to cease existing, I totally understand. It genuinely makes me so concerned, so confused and so mad cuz I hate feeling the way I do because all I ever want to do is treat people they way they’d like to be treated and how they deserved to be treated because I know what our grandpa was like and how he just didn’t give a fuck about how either of us wanted to be treated and was just a complete perverted asshole. I don’t want to have any feelings that are anything like him. It scares me that I’m even related to him and I hate it. It actually disgusts me and thinking about him and what he did, disgusts me and makes me NEVER want to make you or ANYONE ELSE around me uncomfortable. & you genuinely mean so much to me and I don’t want us to just end up hating one another in the future. Basically im sick of trying to avoid you all the time but also sick of feeling like I’m Making you uncomfortable somehow or being a shitty brother that doesnt take anything seriously and is a piece of shit. So yeah.

Sorry about everything. I guess idek if you even want to hear this anymore but I do love you and I am glad you’re someone in my life. You’ve had an amazing impact on me and thank you for being one of my closest friends throughout my whole life. I have so much respect for you and the path that you’re taking but I also want the best for you. I’m sorry I have these wild ass feelings to deal with, no matter what the outcome is, I’ll always wish you the best fr. I hope you can forgive me for like everything.
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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby XxxMexx9 » Tue May 28, 2024 5:15 am

M, 40 and married here. Total straight.... I think.... Corrupt me and Try to make me a hot busty shemale babes toy! Why are they so hot?

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby Sissilyy_ » Tue May 28, 2024 5:16 am

Bi M in a new g string at the park. Come tell me how you wanna see me or get me hard af to some sluts. I'll rate them, talk about them, show how hard I am for them...
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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby Ct118 » Tue May 28, 2024 5:16 am

Cream team here we are running a crazy deal for people paying through cashapp, paypal, or. Crypto come get 6 tributes of your choice with vocal included for 125$! Only hit us up if you have those payment methods
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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby KinkLuvNL » Tue May 28, 2024 5:16 am

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby domowner » Tue May 28, 2024 5:20 am

got a 18yo boy ive been speaking to that i need to give away.

my dream is to see him become an online girl Queen pet for someone

currently have him doing basic stuff like chastity and also cross dressing.

dm if you can take him/her from me 050941a46bf5f392cce06c4d71cec247d3c44af1f96bc88d69ab41593426866159
all girls in my game must be 18+

please dont be offended by what i say. you wanted to play and its nothing personal

1st - 73/100 Felicia 18 US (Username70222)
2nd - 72/100 unknown (octopuspinkblue)
3rd - 68/100 unknown (CaliforniaSurfer12)
4th - 68/100 holly (picsofgirlsiknow)
5th - 62/100 Izzy (picsofgirlsiknow)

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby vexaxon974 » Tue May 28, 2024 5:24 am

I Make Quality Fake Videos & Photos! (not free)

Want to see your Wife/GF/Friend or any girl you know/want in a porn-scene?

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For inquiries and to see more samples of my work, just send me a message at Sessions.

KiK: GG.Genin
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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby Myfunig » Tue May 28, 2024 5:30 am

Looking for fathers, husbands who are businessmen who run successful companies and small businesses that are great family men who are church goers, I would like to share my bosses daughter, I want to share my confessions of my obsessions that require forgiveness, need to share my secrets.

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby justaguy123 » Tue May 28, 2024 5:31 am

Do you think you have a hot girl? Let's find out how quickly she can make me cum!

Always open for PM Session: 05d89910ac144bff2131ab859e7ad649b8c198fdf356c945dae3a1a4bcce4a2a2c
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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby latinafeetlover » Tue May 28, 2024 5:31 am

Any older pervy buds want to enjoy huge natural Latina tits with me ?… message with ASL

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby Mattbake » Tue May 28, 2024 5:37 am

Make my friends sister the webslut she should be. Post her pics all over Q, erome, sltlive and show everyone the Queen she is. She’s 19
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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby TwerkDog » Tue May 28, 2024 5:38 am

Anyone wants to chat about my older brothers girlfriend? She is such a hot hoe allways has me hard when she is around which is pretty much allways now. I hear them fucking in his room pretty much every night its sooo hotttt and he is pretty hung too so she can handle cock good even if she is a bit younger than him. But yeah she is really slụtty and stuff like she casually walks around our house with just her underwear and one of my brothers big t-shirts... and she has big boobs and a fat ass.
I love it when she comes with us on vaction allways is hot having her around.
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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby applekiw1 » Tue May 28, 2024 5:39 am

Trading on session

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby SavvyExpert » Tue May 28, 2024 5:42 am

Down to chat & stroke to McKenna Grace as Phoebe Spengler

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby ljbc0 » Tue May 28, 2024 5:44 am

Starting a teen group! 18+ for nudes. NN otherwise, but still only actual teens.

2 pics or 1 vid to join, I will ignore samples that don't fit the rules.

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby GoodLuckCharm » Tue May 28, 2024 5:46 am

19M, offering FREE jerk tributes to celebs, censors, feet, etc. - Session, Telegram, Kik, Discord

Also love
• “beta-safe”/censored/blurred nude photos
• soles, toes, feet; socks, shoes, heels, boots, sandals, sneakers

Actresses/vintage actresses
Aya Cash, Mila Kunis, Xochitl Gomez, Liv Tyler, Ella Purnell, Zendaya, Kate Mara, Florence Pugh, Willow Shields, Margot Robbie, Rebecca Ferguson, Jodie Foster, Rachel Zegler, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Keira Knightly, Winona Ryder, Aubrey Plaza, Jennifer Lawrence, Brie Larson, Millie Bobby Brown, Jenna Ortega, Emma Watson, Cobie Smulders, Hayley Atwell, Daisy Ridley, Felicity Jones, Stella Maeve, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Evangeline Lily, Ellen Page, Anya TaylorJoy, Sarah Silverman, Sigourney Weaver, Emily Blunt, Cate Blanchett, Helena Bonham-Carter, Olivia Wilde, Anna Kendrick, Madeline Cline, Elizabeth Olsen, Emily Brett Rickards, Victoria Justice, Ariana Grande, Miranda Cosgrove, Jennette McCurdy, Elizabeth Gillies, Abigail Breslin, Haley Bennett, Ashley Greene, Emma Stone, Mackenzie Foy, Sophia Lillis, Hunter Schafer, Gal Gadot, Claudia Doumit, Natalie Portman, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jenna Coleman, Gabrielle Hersh, Karen Fukuhara, Audrey Hepburn, Carrie Fisher, Shelley Duvall, Julia Stiles, Judy Garland, Grace Kelly, Molly Ringwald, Ingrid Bergman, Ally Sheedy, and others.

Historical or Political figures
Abigail Shapiro, Queen Elizabeth II, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Kim Yo-jong, Yeonmi Park, Marilyn Monroe, Judy Resnik, Princess Diane, Amelia Earhart, Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, Brett Cooper, Milayn Viltrub, Nada Bashir, Christy Matino

More widely known: nomadviii, Charli D'Amelio, Brooke Monk, Bella Poarch, leanbeefpatty, megnutt02, OnlyJayus, kallmekris, Rebecca Rogers, Caroline Konstnar, thechromaticmusicteacher, Danielle Bregoli/bhadbhabie, Ice Spice, loserfruit

Less known:
rollinkate, edenkarate, paryssbryanne, Morgandrinkscoffee, titt1fucthalasagna, cadiegboi, a_bit_rebecca, JDraper, underxland, soupytime, dinux_0, soggyalien22, smol.mandy, ailaughatmyownjokes, redheadbegins, jennmelon, war_hamster6, angiecanpost, iFunnyBrooke

F1NN5TER, SSSniperwolf, aghostyvt, gabbieHannah, Pokimane, Emma Langevin, Justaminx, Anitalove, Fanfan, Aimee

Pornstars/OF girls
mommyvalkyriebrynn, Hannahowo, Ekaterina Lisina, Princess Ivory, Ashley Alban, Mia Khalifa, Alyssa Reece, Sasha Foxxx, Lola Fae, Davina Gold, BabeBarefoot, Belle Delphine, Quinnfinite, Alana Cho, Alicedelish

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby kbiacs » Tue May 28, 2024 5:48 am

Wannabe submissive cuck looking to give out my friends/crushes instagrams and have you bully me and be at your mercy.

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby PervGooner1201 » Tue May 28, 2024 5:50 am

Come tell me the darkest thing you have done .

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby Judas¹ » Tue May 28, 2024 5:54 am

Truly obedient cuck dads,do you enjoy hearing a dark and unusual fantasy? Hmu on session
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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby Luciferko14 » Tue May 28, 2024 5:54 am

18yo guy here love chatting about my y sis and trading her for stuff, down for anything

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby Randomname8675 » Tue May 28, 2024 5:55 am

I'd love to see or be fed your cute teens. We can really admire them and talk about what we'd do together while we stroke! I'm dying to see more tight girls Like this.

Kik: throwaway65309

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Re: Online Now? Post your contacts here to discuss anything

Unread postby txxlxx777 » Tue May 28, 2024 5:56 am

More pics, info and nudes of her on

https:// ZCJ#zxoqxfY9J06RXF8WyVRw-A

It's free, no scam
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