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# Teen tung

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# Teen tung

Unread postby DirtyHenry » Mon May 23, 2022 4:52 pm

Now that I have your attention, don't skip, I know youre horny and you wanna get back to the girls of varrying legality and circumstances on this site, and I apologize for taking you from that, but I encourage you to keep reading for exactly that reason.
    First off, answer me this question: When you first started watching Art, did you expect to be in the situation you are now? Did you expect to be on a site jerking off to 2D static images? Did you expect those images to gradually turn from the safe topics you can find all over the internet to teetering on the ledge of barely legal and Unlawful? Did you expect to dance that line and live this way for the rest of your life?
    I know that the answer for most of you is that you didnt, you probably thought you could stop whenever you wanted and that it was no big deal, but then the moment you actually tried, you found out you couldnt. You found yourself constantly eager to go back to the harem you had created and orgasm just to get rid of the little voice in the back of your head telling you you needed to. If you're like I was, everytime you finish, especially on this site, all you feel is a guilt and regret wash over you and question why you keep doing it. Maybe you even try to justify it by saying youre not hurting anyone or that its healthy. The truth is though, youre hurting yourself everytime you open that browser.
    I know that the idea may seem a little difficult, scary, or maybe even just impossible. Maybe you wonder that, even if you do stop, can others or even yourself forgive you for the things youve done? Would it be worth giving up your poison even though you would constantly carry the guilt that you ever partook of it? Im telling you now, that it is worth it. Youre not giving anything up by stopping Art. All of that doubt that you can never be forgiven or that youre too far gone is just the doubt put in your mind by Art in order to keep you a slave to it. I PROMISE you, that choosing and striving to stop watching Art will be the greatest choice you have ever made. And choosing to continue will be the worst.
    I know it seems hard, especially if youve tried before or are trying now. I encourage you to seek out help, get on a couple forums, and I highly recommend going to this site and reading this book:
    Not only will it help you through the brainwashing Art has instilled in you, but it will tell you exactly how to stop and be happy while doing so. You are loved. You can be forgiven. And you will experience so much joy in finally deciding to no longer be a slave.
    Stay strong brother/sister, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and, unlike Art, it isnt a train.

TLDR: Art is killing you, stop it and be happy. This site can help you through the process:

PS: The video is meant to be for those that react to a little more of a testosterone boosting stimulus.

[Young tight teen Teen yo.ung tiny little Roleplay princess baby dildo ass fuck hardcore Queen Princess friend barely legal redhead white crypto patreon onlyfans cum blowjob leak exposed pr3 teen # smol . lim model favorite dump dumpster vid videos short pic models lily rose emily goth emo big tit boob tits boobs huge dau daughter family fantasy mom sister mother cousin aunt niece nephew hs high school highschool skirt Perv goon gooning - facial anal creampie cream preg pregnant prego short rp bikini wife milf grandma flat femboy desperate feed blonde bait cheer gymnastics gym beach - * wink wins last mouth cum together dress date gf gf girlfriend risk caught widow celeb adorable] Look at this list, look at the kind of things that attract people to posts. Nothing that encourages you to look for these topics can be good for you, Art is no exception.

VID_20220504_010947_185.mp4 [ 12.11 MiB | ]

IMG_20220519_151524_285.jpg (132.17 KiB)
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