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Posting Your Princess Bitches an Whores on Q

Unread postPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 9:49 pm
by Exposer269
I will post sluts for you but let’s be clear on things.

First and foremost it’s on my terms and my time… just because I agree to post does not mean I’ll do it right away. Again on my terms and time.

No ugly sluts… this is for me to decide. No bad images… this is for me to decide
No dicks
I will not post sluts info
I will not post youngs….

I will not post pics with writing or art or anything on them.

If you time the pics and make them go away before I post them that’s on.

Lets be clear…
1. I have to like and want to post the Queen. She has to be sexy to me first and foremost.
2. I will not post every pic she has on social media
3. The pic have to be quality images
4. The pics have to be sexy and pics I or others want to jerk off to. They have to be jerk worty. Now I know that’s diffent for everyone but since I am doing the posting they must be jerk worty in my eyes first!
5. Solo Queen pics only. I don’t like group pics because they usually have the sexy Queen and then ugly friends. Their are exceptions to this at times.
6. No dicks
7. I don’t need or want to see your cock or your tributes.
8. Crop out the sluts info I will not post it. Sometimes pics with info on it gets pass me but not often.
9.I will post your Queen on my terms and my time. You have to wait.
10. I will not post youngs….

If you can follow those request/terms I may post your sexy sluts. DM me on the sites email with the Girl.

Re: Posting Your Princess Bitches an Whores on Q

Unread postPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:16 am
by Exposer269